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We employ highly skilled and dedicated employees that still believe in supporting the customers’ needs. We believe in going the extra mile for our customers. We produce lasting relationships that give our customers the confidence they need to allow them peace of mind that the project is getting done.

valley tool inc

Precision Machine Job Shop

Our facility is well staffed and equipped to handle most projects that may come our way. We offer good lead times and competitive pricing. Each order is tracked and inspected prior to shipment to insure good parts get to the customer on time. Read more…


Parts Certification, Sub-Assembly, & Repair Work

Our Parts Certification Department is capable of supporting a wide variety of needs for manufacturing. Our staff is well trained and has great pride in the work they perform. Read more…


valley tool inc dunage washing

Dunnage Washing

How many times do you ship product to your customer and somewhere in the process it becomes contaminated? Often times the container the product was shipped in has a great deal of contamination or is dirty from reusing over and over. Read more…


valley tool inc best machine shop

Best Machine Shop

Cayce Washington adamantly believes he is living the “American Dream.” He comes from a modest background: After working in a local grocery store for several years, Washington took a job in a machine shop at age 21 and loved the work. Read more… or view the PDF version.

valley tool inc equipment

Equipment List

We have thousands of tools that are in use everyday. The most exciting and most powerful tools are on our equipment list. These industrial tools represent the commitment that Valley Tool, Inc. has for providing the best tool for the job. Many tools listed are state of the art and at the top of their class in performance. Read more…